When one of our spacecrafts re-enters earth's atmosphere after spending some time in orbit, it is often a fiery affair. You are considering a return to some form of active participation in the life of the church community. We hope to ease your transition ... when you're ready. Like all of life, every train is moving. Getting off one and jumping on another is not for the faint of heart. But take your time and go at it at your own pace. You do not arrive at this moment alone. We believe God has walked with you all along, sometimes even when you weren't aware of it. God has been calling you all along, even if you don't think you're responding to his summons.
But you're here. Have a seat and take a look around. Don't be in any hurry to move on just yet. Sometimes, getting adjusted takes longer than you imagine. And all that before any work can even get started.
When you're ready to venture forward, meet some of our people. Look up activities in the parish bulletin that you find interesting. Listen for announcements that might present opportunities for getting involved. Explore our liturgical ministries, our community life ministries, our service outreach and social ministries. Or come meet with the Pastor (Fr. Chris Masla) if you fear something still prevents you from getting actively involved in the parish. We believe we can always find a way to a more fulfilling and active Christian discipleship.
Click photo of baggage to see "Catholics Come Home" video.
Fellowship through social functions and activities. Contact Margaret Selvaggi. 313.505.0974.
Parishioner couple Sarah & Brian Potter provide information, education, and promotion of NFP using methods that are safe, effective, and consistent with the Church's teaching on marriage and family. 276.698.6244.
Ministry oversees the upkeep of the parish facilities and grounds, and coordinates volunteers. Contact Larry Houston. 276.628.2941
The Pastoral Council is a body of registered parishioners whose members are elected to serve a 3 year term. Council advises the Pastor in matters that pertain to the life of the parish, and assist in forming a pastoral vision that guides our life and ministry together.
Ann Monin serves currently as Parish Pastoral Council Chair.
The Parish Finance Council serves as a financial advisory board to the Pastor, and consists of six members of the parish. The Parish Administrator serves as the Pastor's liaison to the Finance Council.
Brian Potter serves currently as Parish Finance Council Chair.